• Name:
    張國豪   2013-10-31 00:52:44
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  • Name:
    Tony   2013-10-31 00:59:34
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    你頭殼是壞掉嗎?PD這個名稱只有用在5W40.5W30只要有API SN認證且有VW 505 01和MB229.51就是5W30 PD(不過5W30沒有油廠用PD)

  • Name:
    Feddy   2013-10-31 01:00:55
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    上面的...你只有對一半. 5W50和5W40的機油必須要有一個配方才能夠叫做PD機油.不是汽柴油共用叫做PD或有認證叫做PD. PD配方成本很貴.

  • Name:
    Weiti   2013-10-31 01:02:50
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    陳榮文   2013-10-31 01:04:15
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    Junior   2013-10-31 01:05:55
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  • Name:
    Mighr   2013-10-31 01:09:37
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    期刊上面有寫喔...Group 5是沒有辦法做出PD配方的... 只有Group 4才有辦法喔.... 德國目前有6個品牌有PD...英國有3個品牌... 美國有5個品牌有PD.... 車主的車不是跑車或兩千cc以上的車.用PD機油會不好開喔

  • Name:
    DLE   2013-10-31 02:27:16
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    德國油廠昨天來信回覆-TD.-------------------------------------- Well, generally PD stands for Pumpe-Düse (pump-injection) in a VW car with Diesel engine asking for the spec VW 505 01, also 506 01 (R5 and V10 TDI Diesel engines until model year 2006).--------- 通常PD是用於Pump噴射系統 (大眾VW汽車 柴油引擎.規範為VW 505 01或506 01) (R5 and V10 TDI Diesel engines until model year 2006). 2006年以前的R5. V10 TDI柴油引擎

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    DLE   2013-10-31 02:33:25
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  • Name:
    DLE   2013-10-31 02:41:11
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    我不知道為什麼一直強調PD是為什麼,那是柴油引擎.你怕就去找有PD配方機油,可以用DLE沒有問題. VW 507.00 oil The oils in this section meet the VW 507.00 specification. These oils are suitable for almost all VAG diesel engines from 2000 onwards with extended service intervals, unitary injector pumps and also Pumpe-Düse ("PD") engines. Excludes V10, R5 engines and VW Commercial vehicles without fitted DPF (diesel particulate filters) – these must use a 506 01 specification oil.