訪客姓名:DLE 2011-09-22 00:44:03
正廠代理向德國油廠抱怨,說德力機油比他們正廠好用太多,真是啼笑皆非本來客制化產品就是好用,不賣正廠機油原因在此,每家大同小異沒有甚麼特色.----------還是要改. I urgently ask you top lease ask your customer to rapidly change the product descriptions he uses online. See for example: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:S5KcWHWsyKwJ:www.dle.com.tw/en_product_detail.php%3Fp_id%3D5+MB+236.41&cd=11&hl=de&ct=clnk&gl=de and http://www.dle.com.tw/en_product_list.php And, why are they linking to the VLN page on the Nürburgring? 我迫切地要求你, 請告訴DLE 立刻將他在網頁上的產品說明上所敘述的內容更改 請看例如這兩個網頁聯結 1. (ATF-9600-英文版 網頁; 這些搜索條件已強調:mb 236.41 ) 2. (ATF-9600-英文版 網頁) 還有: 為何DLE將我方的紐伯格林VLN網頁放進它的聯結裏? We support you and your customer with all the information we have on our products, but we do not wish for DLE to use this information 1 to 1 without changing anything. DLE also uses the word HIGHTEC. These product names are registered and are only to be used by us. No one else. 我們支援您和您的客戶的所有我們的產品訊息,但我們不希望DLE在使用在資料時幾乎是一對一的抄襲, 沒有做任何方面的更改。 DLE也使用這個詞 HIGHTEC。這些產品名稱都已經註冊,只被我們所用。其他任何人都不可以使用。 Please have this changed asap on all other products as well. Same has to be done for the product info sheets available online. DLE is not supposed to use our wording without any change. I am really unhappy about this. 請立即改變之, 以及所有其他產品。同樣的, 網上的產品訊息(info sheets) 也要將它們改版。 DLE不應該使用沒有經過任何改變的措辭。 我真的對此感到不滿。
訪客姓名:DLE(多元醇酯機油沒有那麼容易研發出來) 2011-09-24 03:52:06
我們有詢問一家美國油廠至今已快兩年產品還是無法商業化,多元醇酯機油研發製造過程沒有那麼容易,兩年前問他們說已經送好幾家車廠測試說車廠都不滿意,昨天在美國(polyol ester oil)網站找到有他們機油廣告,打(COMING SOON)不久要推出,在去找之前去詢問油廠信件一看快兩年,(車友要製造出完美多元醇酯機油不是那麼簡單實驗室要有相當研發功力,我們會找德國油廠就是其研發實力.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-他們的回信: From: Michael Trueba Date: 2009/11/30 Subject: Group V Motor Oil Dear Ja We can formulate a group V POE/PAO motor oil for use in racing engines. We would need an idea of the type of packaging you would require (For Example: 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums, etc) and the quantities desired.---------------------- 中文翻譯:我們可以製造出group V POE/PAO 跑車引擎的汽車機油配方.我們想問你們是想怎麼包裝你們的油品(例如:20公升一小桶,200公升一大桶...等包裝) 和你們想要購買的油品數量.------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for your e-mail. Sincerely, Michael Trueba Jr MPT Industries 6-B Hamilton Business Park 85 Franklin Road Dover, NJ 07801 Phone: 973-989-9220 Fax: 973-989-9234 www.mptindustries.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-他們機油廣告:2011-09-23 Euro Synthetic Oils - MPT Full Synthetic Race Oils COMING SOON!! MPT High Performance Motor Oils are 100% Synthetic Formulas which contains no petroleum (No Group I, II, or III base oils) or viscosity modifiers that can prematurely break down and cause wear . The highest quality polyol ester and polyalphaolefin basestocks are blended with the finest additives, including higher levels of zinc and phosphorous, to provide the maximum protection available for high performance applications and extended drain intervals. MPT High Performance Motor Oils provide much less evaporation loss than petroleums and most comparable viscosity synthetics which results in better engine efficiency by reducing oil consumption and wear. The superior blend of polyol ester and polyalphaolefin basestocks fortified with antioxidants and friction reducing additives provide: better oil film thickness, better ability to pump, better thermal stability, better oxidation resistance, better acid neutralization and a lower coefficient of friction than comparable grade synthetics or petroleum. Additionally, MPT High Performance Motor Oils have a naturally high detergency resulting in the ability to provide engine cleanliness and wear protection for extended drain intervals. MPT High Performance Motor Oils are formulated to meet or exceed the requirements of the major car, truck, motorcycle, and marine engine manufacturers.