訪客姓名:DLE 2012-11-23 00:19:27
現在踢到鐵板了,只是價格壓得很低.美國製油技術差德國一大截------------不進步會被市場淘汰. 老問題機油-請版內高手如何解讀 源由今年一輛Alfat車主使用紅線機油在賽場引擎掛點 紅線車友們,針對日前有車友使用紅線機油所產生的疑問, 經美國與台灣兩方面確認回覆如下: 美國紅線機油原廠認為許多車友觀念認為越濃機油越好, 容易造成使用錯誤番號, 造成使用上的不適合 redline 美國強調 懇請車友針對車子使用規範,來選擇適合的機油, 同時台灣總代理Pipstrong 貞盈貿易也將會針對車友的使用提出技術上的建議, 以下為redline 美國副總 對於車友提出建議 重點節錄於下: There is a bad trend among Asia's tuning enthusiasts to use motor oil that is far too heavy for their applications. It is very important that end-users are selecting motor oils based on factory r ecommendations. In the Asian market, many choose one level higher in viscosity which is not always recommended. We remind those customers to check their owner's manual for specific climate considerations. In situations of highly tuned applications, it is the responsibility of the enthusiast to understand oil selection and engine mechanics and make further decisions from there. For example, if this "Alfa" designed this engine to work on "5W30" or "10W30" motor oil, Asian customers often choose "5W40" to compensate for their hot climate. A move from there to "10W60" is certainly not recommended, but that's what happened here and many complications seem to have ensued. The film strength of Red Line's 10W60 is likely much higher than that of the Shell product. This is likely why there was not as much complication on the past product. However, there is still no reason to be running a Shell 10W60 in an engine of this type. in conclusion, Red Line does not make a recommendation like that and does not recommend to our dealers or distributors to select oil viscosity beyond the original equipment manufacturer recommendations. Please contact Pipstrong for problems with information outside of what we've discussed here. 中文翻譯: 台灣車友常認為台灣的氣溫及濕度,因而選擇高黏度的機油, 熱衷改裝車友在做機油的選擇時應對機油有更進一步的認識。 舉例而言: Alfa車友 的引擎通常建議使用 "5W30" "10W30" 亞洲車友通常會因為高緯度氣候而調整為 "5W40" , 使用"10W60" 是完全不被建議的, 也因此容易產生車友所反映之問題。 Redline本身的油膜韌度比SHell產品本身高出許多, 這也是造成過去使用shell 10W60 的車友,轉換成Redline 10W60 感覺到引擎及大的差異。無論如何, 該車種仍沒有理由使用Shell 10W60。 結論, 紅線機油及其代理商並不會建議車友使用番號高於原廠甚多的機油番號。請聯絡台灣 貞盈貿易 , 若有其他進一步的問題 。
訪客姓名:DLE 2012-11-23 00:34:35
就是這品牌中傷我們,沒有的問題我們也向德國油廠請教,德國人的回覆與美國人回覆有差別.以很專業的態度回答你的問題,美國這家強調賽車起家出問題也會ㄠ,品質有問題就有問題---德國油廠交代有問題把出問題油品送回化驗.---------------- 以下為德國油廠對於引擎溫度過高問題之回覆: We did discuss this issue in the team but could not find a reasonable cause for this occurrence. 我們小組有討論過這問題,但無法想出原因。 Is it 100% sure that the engine does not have any defects? Was the oil change the only thing done or was some other parts also taken apart and changed. 100%肯定引擎沒任何瑕疵嗎? 只有換油的動作嗎? 還是有拿掉或換零件? Usually (with race cars) many parts are reassembled between races. We figure that some kind of dirt must have gotten into the system which causes a higher concentration of dirt particles which then might lead to a higher than usual heating of the fluid. 通常賽車時,比賽間會重組許多零件。我們覺得是因為系統內有灰塵.髒東西,且聚集一堆灰塵顆粒,造成加熱液體時升溫比平常高。 Since it is the first time hearing about something like this happening when using our product and the quality delivered is fine, we are certainly also interested in what might have caused this “overheating” of the system. 由於這是第一次聽到使用我們的產品(到貨品質佳)發生這種問題,故我們也對於造成系統溫度過高之原因有興趣