訪客姓名:DLE 2013-11-20 16:44:53
德國人越來越有趣,我們所請教的一些奇奇怪怪問題,他們以先進添加技術回覆我們.有進步的油廠回覆問題就是不一樣,我們台灣是看見一個影子,就開一槍.人家是全盤考量到油品使用性,主要是品質與耐久性.台灣使用油品觀念還差德國一大截.-------------------------------------我們台灣對機油成份看法太天真,難怪跟不上先進國家.缺乏研究室開發. Not sure who always comes up with some non-sense information in your market. 不曉得是誰提出這無意義的問題。 Polymeric esters, can only be used to some small extend in an engine oil as it also has some negative effects that you do not want to have in a high quality engine oil, or in any engine oil. POLYMERIC ESTERS只能用於一些小範圍的機油,因為它有些副作用,你不會把它用在高品質的機油或其他機油。 Yes, it is a very good material when talking about wear and tear protection, but the abilities in terms of thermal stability or oxidation stability are rather pour compared to PAO + some ester. In addition, Polymeric esters alone can be very hardly mixed with the needed additives in a well formulated engine oil as your engine oil has to have a protection against aging, is intended to stay stable in viscosity over a longer amount of time, has to neutralize acids (coming from fuel for example), etc. 是的,當提到抗磨保護,這是相當不錯的成分,但就熱穩定與氧化穩定能力而言,比其他PAO+ESTER差。此外,POLYMERIC ESTERS非常難與一個完整機油所需的添加劑(像是抗老化、穩定黏度、中和酸性等等)相融合。 Therefore, just making a some statement to the market is wrong, and just believing some statement is also wrong. Therefore, please always question some new info you receive from other brands or sales people and tell your customers the same. 因此,在此聲明有些市場上的訊息是錯誤的,有些說法也是錯的。所以,對於新資訊、其他品牌的訊息等等,請保持質疑態度。 Think of it as a meal that you have to cook and you need many ingredients. Too much of one of the ingredients will destroy the final taste of the meal, therefore, you have to watch very carefully how much of which ingredient you use in order to receive the perfect taste after all your efforts. Same here. 就像是你要煮一道菜,你需要許多材料。某一種材料用太多會影響到最後的味道,因此,為了付出心力後得到完美美味,你必須非常小心去衡量要用多少材料。 Hope this helps.希望有幫助到你
訪客姓名:DLE 2013-11-20 16:56:37
這是幾年前我們詢問另外一家德國油廠,這是他們給我們回信.我們請教現在德國油廠,有在進步的油廠就是不一樣.上面文章就德國油廠回信文章,機油不能單看一項添加物 .---------- The best base still POLYMERIC ESTER 100% where is superior than older generation POE grade. This motor oil we specially blend for endurance race 24 hours Lemans race. 最好的基礎仍然是百分百的Polymeric Ester,這配方超越了舊有的POE級數