訪客姓名:DLE 2016-04-18 18:12:11
DLE motor oil , the business partner of DLE Germany sole distributor Meiyang Ko Siebert EU Dealer : Ken-World Business Corp. Add: 42 Hirschelgasse, Nürnberg ,90403, Germany Tel: +49-911192339524 Mobile:+49-15259822808 e-mail: fuer.dich.online.apotheke@web.de 德國柯小姐--德力機油在德國總代理包含歐洲業務 For most of engine oil, it's rare to have good enough lubricating properties, high temperature stability and enhance engine power all rolled into one. If a lubricants laboratory is less experiences and state-of-the-art technology, it's hard to make/produce this kind of polyolester base lubricants for car racing.
訪客姓名:DLE 2016-04-19 0:44:29
總算在德國居住台灣人有興趣經營機油都是喜歡玩車--- 初期和德國柯小姐合作由台灣空運出貨,德國油廠只生產給我們DLE沒有多餘庫存.等DLE有向德國訂貨才多生產這是OEM麻煩的地方,還好德國柯小姐本身有設網購網站賣德國保健食品給台灣消費者.要找到合作伙伴真的不容易都是台灣人好溝通---